High Horned Red Cow’s Calf

Sometimes its hard to describe being a cowman to “normal” folks. I ran across this video and it sure does describe a common experience. Things so simple but so touching to a fella. Its things like this that probably shows why I love this way of life more than any other I could imagine. Young calves sure do get some personalities, they’re so curious and want to have fun sometimes. Of course a pretty young calf like the one described in the video more than likely just got confused.

It just came to me, how we can be like that young calf described in the video. We pretty much know what is safe and secure, but every once in a while we end up following the wrong thing. And probably don’t even realize it at the time. Just like in the video the cow was warning the calf, the calf heard it but still couldn’t quite put two and two together. The calf knew after a bit things didn’t smell quite right, but at least he was following something that he thought was mama. But when it finally hit him he turned tail and headed back to that familiar bellering that he knew was mama for sure.

I know its not an earth shattering story, but living here, running cows, a fella like me understands this so well after seeing it so many times. Calves like to follow a fella right after you chase em down and ear tag em too. We try to eartag when they are under a day old so they’re easier to catch, after that they gain allot of speed and smarts to. Those calves after being chased down for a bit, caught and ear tagged, all of a sudden follow the fella ear tagging for some unknown to man reason. Its OK except when the cow has murder in here eyes for the man doing the ear tagging and she really gets mad as the calf is staying right up with the man. Now a feller kinda wants the calf to shoo away especially with a hot headed 1200 pound mama in hot pursuit but sometimes those calves have really attached themselves to who ever did a job on their ear. But that old mama cow ain’t giving up all that easy.

And I can see that God doesn’t give up all that easy either! No matter what we have attached ourselves to in this world God isn’t giving us up all that easy. If we only could see how He comes after us, full charge, coming to save His own I do believe we would be amazed to say the least.

“And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39

Published in: on June 29, 2011 at 8:53 pm  Leave a Comment  

Save the Cowboy

The sun popped out this evening, the first time in over a week. In fact I can’t rightly remember the last time we had a sunny day. The Northern Plains are wet, very wet. We don’t have the flooding some have but its still wet. Have the whole hay crop looking me in the face, and I’ve never seen so much hay in my life. It just keeps growing and growing. That’ll keep this cattleman out of circulation from people for a bit once I start. But there ain’t nothing better than more hay than a fella needs when winter comes knocking at the gate here in the north country. Got the twine all bought, the haybine and baler ready, now just to dry up a bit and then hit er.

Don’t worry about squat, but just be thankful and ask God for all you need. Philippians 4:6 Simplified Cowboy Version (SCV)

Now for folks that don’t know it yet this verse is coming from the Simplified Cowboy Version. From my friend Kevin Weatherby out of Kiowa, Colorado. He heads up Campfire Cowboy Ministries and Save the Cowboy. Probably some of my favorite reading on the web, my kinda stuff. Kevin has the heart to reach the cowboy and give him the news about Jesus. Same as me. That’s probably why I get hooked on his writings. By the way, he writes allot better than this cattleman does. We both have a heart after God and want to share it with any and all who will listen.

So now with the sun being out for the last hour after a long, long time without it, I’m gearing up to do what I do. Work out there in the great outdoors and I must say I love making hay. It seems once a person is started, day after day and really week after week I just get all calm inside. Take my cowboy pocket Bible with in order to take a quick read here and there through out the day. And it seems when a fella is going full snort I don’t worry about squat, just like the verse says above. It seems like hour after hour out there in the sunshine I just let God have everything and I’m as calm as any feller can be. Yep, I’m looking forward to it! And I ain’t all that afraid to ask God for what I need nowadays either. Once was, that’s for sure but the Bible says to ask. So I do! Simple, and I ain’t dwelling on it.